Sunday, February 23, 2025

French taxes will cost us more on French holidays

July 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Holidays

The price of French holidays is expected to rise as president Francois Hollande plans to increase tax on foreign homowners. The news comes from the announcement recently made for the need to reduce the countries large budget deficit and the only way to do this is to increase taxes. And it seems that the only taxes that will be […]

Breathalyzer kits needed for new French law

July 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Motoring News

As of July 1st 2012 the French government has ruled that all motorists in the country have to carry a breathalyzer kit in their vehicle or face a fine, this includes foreign visitors too. In a bid to reduce the numbers of road deaths caused by drink driving, the French government believe if motorists can […]